My name is David Boulogne and I am running 2exposures. I got the bug of photography at 16 when I had my first darkroom experience. I studied photography and worked in Paris for the best labs and photographers. Then moved to London to try my luck as a photographer. I became one in 1999 by doing wedding reportage for an up-and-coming agency which grew rapidly and I would do 50 weddings a year. In 2005 I left and decided to create my own commercial agency dedicated to weddings and human celebrations with a partner. In 2010 2exposures became a single business and the range of assignments has been widening since. I am specialised in Human Life Photography with all its bits in between. I cannot see myself being a wedding photographer only. From that very first day in the darkroom I got a revelation and I knew I wanted to capture the human being in all its glory. 2exposures is about that testimony.
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